Category web scraping

Leveraging Data for Business

How to Leverage Data for Business [Infographic]

Contents Introduction How to Access and Leverage Data Leveraging Data for Competitive Advantage Leveraging Data for Marketing Strategies Leveraging Data to Improve Business Outcomes Leveraging Data to Create Value Leveraging Data to Become a Truly Data-driven Organization Conclusion Introduction If…

Top 15 Website Ripper or Website Downloader Compared

Contents Httrack Cyotek WebCopy WEBSITE DOWNLOADER Website Ripper Copier Darcy Ripper Local Website Archive Website eXtractor SurfOffline Web-Site-Downloader WebAssistant Proxy Offline Browser BackStreet Browser SiteSucker WebWhacker 5.0 Offline Explorer NCollector Studio What is Website Ripper? Let’s say you came across…

Best Open Source Web Crawler

50 Best Open Source Web Crawlers

Contents Open Source Web Crawler in Python Conclusion As an automated program or script, web crawler systematically crawls through web pages in order to work out the index of the data that it sets out to extract. In terms of…

Python Style Guide and Coding Standards

Recommended Python Style Guide and Coding Standards

Contents Identantion Tabs or spaces ? Maximum Line Length Should Break Line before and after a binary operator ? Blank Lines Shebang line Source File Encoding Module Level dunder names Imports Parentheses String quotes White Space in Expressions and Statements…

Screen Scraping

What is Screen Scraping?

Contents What is Screen Scraping? Screen Scraping Vs. Web Scraping Screen Scraping Techniques Application of Screen Scraping Screen Scraping Tool Conclusion Since technology continues to evolve at a lightening pace, it also quickly becomes obsolete! This is precisely why a…