Healthcare Startup Scaling Data Collection with Managed Web Scraping Service

Challenge: Large-Scale Data Scraping with High Accuracy and Efficiency

In spite of being a leading startup in the healthcare industry, the client encountered a stern challenge in terms of extracting and collecting data from different healthcare providers. They needed to scrape more than 200 data points of millions of healthcare providers from more than 24 healthcare marketplace websites. While they used the existing tools they had, it turned out to be not merely challenging but also tedious and time-consuming.

Key Challenges:

Solution: ProWebScraper’s Tailored Web Scraping Service

ProWebScraper designed a tailored web scraping solution, allowing the client to eliminate the limitations of conventional scraping tools.

Strategy and Execution:

Results: Transformative Impact and Cost Efficiency


ProWebScraper’s sophisticated tools and matchless service made it possible for our client to scrape the data that they needed and the way they needed. With the data extraction solution being efficient and affordable, the client could concentrate on core business activities resulting in more effective functioning of the startup. Powered by accurate and reliable data, the client could strengthen its market leadership.

Our Service

Results and Impact

$3,000/Month Cost Savings

24+ Healthcare Sites Scraped Monthly

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